Role: Senior Editor / Motion Graphics Artist / Camera Operator
After freelancing at Watts and having built a successful relationship, I was hired on full time by the agency as a Senior Editor. My role had me taking charge of editing top priority projects, working hand in hand with clients face-to-face, on tight deadlines and sometimes through the late hours of the night to deliver content for time sensitive jobs.
Clients included Microsoft, Amazon, Carbon, Riddell, American Cancer Society, Deloitte, Slalom and many other smaller brands.
Some of the pieces I was most proud of were those that were the most difficult.
A job for Microsoft’s Customer Support team, where we designed a project with fun in mind first, the interviews all done over Microsoft Teams and the final piece portrayed as a desktop of a support agent, all built in Adobe After Effects.
Massive, high resolution projections for Satya Nadella that required rendering out 8K files mere hours before they were to be shown on screen behind him as he spoke on stage.
Or pieces that had heart, that were important. Conveying drama, building a visual style through graphics, stills and color that delivered impact for the client, and the viewer.
All in all my time at Watts was rewarding, engaging, challenging and most of all fun. The team is cohesive, tight and camaraderie is paramount and in the air when you walk into their shop in Pioneer Square.